Why a Scottish artistic collaboration Brexit Tears is tackling the UK's departure with puns

Crawford and Colvin match slogans with iPhone images for their exhibition
Crawford and Colvin match slogans with iPhone images for their exhibition

So Brexit has come to pass, not with a bang but a whimper — clearly one of regret for some, and unconcealed delight for others.

The SNP’s members of the European parliament asked their fellow parliamentarians to “leave a light on” to guide an independent Scotland’s return, which many duly did in a candlelit vigil.

Nigel Farage, meanwhile, could find no illuminating grace as — even in victory — he and his MEPs departed with curdling contempt while brandishing a phalanx of tiny little flags.

For poet Robert Crawford and artist Calum Colvin, we have entered a period of mourning and reflection. This weekend, at the Scottish Storytelling Centre on the High Street of the Royal Mile in Edinburgh, they launched Brexit Tears, a witty