"At a time when the poetry equivalent of the corporate big boys are playing it safer than ever, it's a genuine cause for rejoicing that small presses in Scotland can produce work of this quality." [NorthWords]
In the last two decades Scottish poetry has received a much-needed shot in the arm from an explosion in pamphlet-publishing, helped by the establishment of the Callum Macdonald Memorial Award and a general recognition that small is not just beautiful but also efficient in connecting readers with quality writing.
Kettillonia has played its part in these developments, and continues to do so. The imprint was launched in 1999 and we don't have as much time to dedicate to it as we did back then but our aim is the same as it ever was – to put 'original, adventurous, neglected and rare writing' into print. We think that what we have planned for the 2020s keeps to that agenda.
Read more about our titles, past and present, on this website. If you're tempted to buy, remember that Kettillonia publications tend not to be around for long: of the backlist titles still available, several are down to the last few copies, so buy now if you don't want to be disappointed later.